
registro: 16/08/2007
Cada hombre quiere ser el primer amor de una mujer, cada mujer quiere ser el ultimo amor de un hombre.
Próximo nível: 
Pontos necessários: 197
Último jogo


2 anos 243 dias h


Gracias por ser tan especial, por cuidarme tanto y amarme tan profundamente.

Aunque aveces senti que me ofendiste no tiene comparacion con las tonterias que muchas veces yo te hice pasar.

Disculpame amado mio, no se que porque la razon me llega cuando estas lejos de mi. Tal vez es cierto aquel refran que dice como aprecias mas cuando no esta a tu lado ... cuando lo has perdido... yo no quiero esperar a perderte para luego darme cuenta de lo maravilloso que eres.

Te amo con toda mi alma bebe y hemos sido muy bendecidos al conocernos y Dios permitirnos el vivir la vida juntitos como esposos.

Yo se bebe que tu vives para mi y no se si recuerdas aquella vez que hablamos por telefono antes de q nos hicieramos novios cuando te dije que todo lo que estuviera a mi acance para hacerte feliz lo haria.

He roto esa promesa. Te he hecho pasar malos ratos sin razon, echandote la culpa de mucha de mis tristezas cuando tu siempre has tratado de hacerme feliz.

Disculpame amado amio, lagrimas brotan mis ojos ante tu ausencia y ante la idea de que no he sido la perfecta esposa que mereces. Quiero amarte y cuidarte y darte lo mejor de ti. Quiero constuir un castillo de amor junto a ti donde sea nuestro reino; tu mi rey y yo tu reina .

Te amo amado mio... construyamos en perfeccion nuestro amor.




The very first time I saw you,
Was special how we met.
You took me by complete surprise.
I knew my heart was set.

As days flew by, we talked again,
But you never seemed to care.
I tried my best to help you out,
By a favor here, or a favor there.

Although I made a fast approach,
Our friendship grew and grew.
I realized how deep I cared,
But the feeling I felt was new.

In time I became attached to you.
From a hug, I wouldn't let go.
I soon saw how close we were,
And the feeling was good to know.

For you, I wrote sweet letters and songs.
You were on my mind all day.
The thought of sleeping was nowhere near,
Unless I knew you were okay.

It hit me then, what I was in -
A unique and precious love.
For the person I said was only mine,
Was an angel sent from above.

The minutes without you turned into days,
And the seconds with you flew fast.
I could only wish to see you more,
And make each moment last.

The times I spent with you,
Were what made my heart complete.
I knew one thing for sure,
Without you, my future was obsolete.

And now, we love just the same,
As it doubles day by day.
I stare deep into your precious eyes,
Yet I'm still speechless to what I should say.

With you, I'm in a whole new world.
You bring out the best in me.
It's hard to picture you not there,
When you taught me who to be.

Yes, the road ahead gets hard,
When things may only seem rough.
But because you and I try so much,
We'll stay strong and get by tough.

Though problems may lie ahead someday,
And either of us could be right;
I promise to always be by your side,
And I promise my heart, so hold it tight.

And so, each night, beside my bed,
When there's only bright stars to see;
I pray that we may never give up,
And will always remain you and me.

IN MY EYES !!!!!


You don't know how I'm feeling.
I have yet to vocalize
Desire deep inside me.
Can you see it in my eyes?

I tremble when I'm near you
Heat travels up my thighs
and I want you with an urgency
That I just can't describe.

Dare I reach out to touch you?
Do you think you'd realize
How much I want and need you?
Can you see it in my eyes?

I long to say, "I love you,"
But am scared of your reply.
Terrified like a child
I've become paralyzed.

The camouflaged emotions
Lead to pain and silent cries.
And yet I just can't tell you.
Don't you see it in my eyes?

Confessing through this poem
My dilemma summarized.
The feeling's quite cathartic,
But will lead to my demise.




Our castle stands atop the hills
And offers strength of spirit
Place your hand little one unto mine
And I shall lead you to it.

The family castle is now your home
The stones grow ever stronger
For the castle's built on love and hope
Alone you are no longer.

Behind these walls that rise up high
Lies a garden lush and green
It's offerings bountiful as the sea
And beauty yet unseen.

Drink the waters that beckon you near
They'll fill your heart with hope
Feast on the knowledge offered here
For that will help you cope.

Our fires will fill your soul with warmth
To cast off the chill outside
Yet stay not here within these walls
They were not built to hide.

Swing wide the gates so you can see
The world lie at your feet
For without what hides beyond
The castle's incomplete.

Mount our stallion strong and true
For he shall be your guide
His legs have carried those of us
Who've ventured far outside.

Fear not what you do not yet know
Lead on and find your star
Fill your pack with experience
That you shall gain afar.

The good times will outnumber bad
Though sometimes you shall fall
It's at that time that you should seek
The strength of the castle wall.

For no matter the path you choose to take
No matter the strength of tides
You need only look inside your heart
For that's where the castle resides.

ANGEL !!!!!


Right when I was born
the lord sent me an angel.
An angel to protect me,
An angel to watch over and love me.

I always sought advise from her
all throughout the years.
I depended on her every thought.
And it was always her
who wiped away my tears.
She taught me many things -
"To always speak from the heart".
She always showed she loved and cared,
It her to always understand.
She never intentionally hurt me,
and for that
she has all my love.
She's the angel -
The angel sent from high above.

She knows most of my secrets,
right down to my first kiss.
She knows my length of patience
and still she always forgives.
All she has to do is look at me,
and deep down within my soul
she'd see
If I was hurt, scared, or happy.
She knows all the sides to me.

She was the one who carried me through
those nine painful months.
The one who made me the lady I am
And the woman I'll become.
God must have had a really good day,
when he sent you here for me.
Of all the angels in heaven,
You were meant for me.